Ha! Tea 'n' Danger

Loving, caring, sharing, kindness, compassion, empathy, respect, equality, freedom, peace, critical thinking, logic, reason, understanding, science…

Tag Archives: Farming

ALS Fish Bucket Challenge

Environmental Benefits Of A Plant-Based Diet

If you enjoyed watching the documentary “Cowspiracy” or if you’re looking forward to seeing it, this talk given by, Home Le’amohala, is a great companion piece covering similar topics.  It’s informative, enlightening, and so important on so many levels.

The Meatrix

Dickson Despommier – The Vertical Farm

The Meatrix II ½

Urban Homestead: Living The Real Simple Life

Homegrown Revolution: Radical Change Taking Root

The Meatrix II: Revolting

A Delicate Balance

a delicate balance

If you watched the movie “Forks Over Knives” and enjoyed it, “A Delicate Balance” is a great follow up film I believe you will also like.  If you haven’t seen “Forks Over Knives” that’s ok; one movie doesn’t depend on the other.  Both are great documentaries well worth watching.  It is chocked full of information regarding our food, environment and the impact our choices have on both.  Below is an extended trailer and the full film.  Enjoy!  🙂

Hemp For Victory