Ha! Tea 'n' Danger

Loving, caring, sharing, kindness, compassion, empathy, respect, equality, freedom, peace, critical thinking, logic, reason, understanding, science…

Tag Archives: Vegan

Carbs (sugar, white rice) cause diabetes???

Jim Morris: Vegan

New Page: 30DVC

I just added a new page (tab at the top) for easy access for those of you interested in joining in on the 30-day-vegan-challenge.  Now instead of scrolling up and down, and going back to older posts, searching for 30DVC posts, now it’s easy one-stop-shopping with a single click.  For those of you in search of more information, here is another link to all of my veganism related posts.  Enjoy.  🙂

Once A Rancher—Now…

Sustainable Growth

Easy As 1-2-3

Sword & Shield

I was never one to worry. I was never one to be concerned. I didn’t even have goals, dreams or aspirations. I just went with the flow, happy to get by. I never had a problem getting a job. All of my needs were met. I ate well and still had money in the bank. Ignorance is only bliss until truth comes along and bites you in the ass.

My life is now full of worries and concerns. I now have goals, dreams and aspirations that keeping me going. I no long go with the flow unless it’s the right thing to do. I’ve spent about 50% of the last five years unemployed, and not by choice. Currently all of my needs are being met, but it’s a struggle, and I take it one day at a time. I’m actually eating better than ever, but only because I’ve given up going out to eat, went vegan, and get a majority of my calories from oatmeal, beans and rice (you can’t eat much cheaper than that). I still have a few dollars in the bank, but that amount keeps dwindling, and I’m always worried that a bill collector will somehow get their hands on it. I can no longer afford to be ignorant of the world around me.

My biggest regret in life is that I didn’t wake up sooner, start making an effort to wake up others, working for a better tomorrow for everyone and a system that takes all people and the health of the planet into consideration (a Resource Based Economy). Despite all of the hardships and horrors the world over, I find myself happier, motivated and hopeful. It’s not a perpetual state of bliss; not even close, and I know better than to expect such things, but it is real. No more ignorance for me, thank you.

We’ve got a long way to go and a short time to get there (Jerry Reid – East Bound and Down), so let’s not waist a moment. Spread the word, take action, be the change you want to see in the world. The world is our home, to do good our duty, love and peace our swords and shields.

Social collapse and breakdown is just other ways of saying “time for a change”. Let’s keep it simple, let’s keep it pure and let’s keep everyone in mind.  😉


