Ha! Tea 'n' Danger

Loving, caring, sharing, kindness, compassion, empathy, respect, equality, freedom, peace, critical thinking, logic, reason, understanding, science…

Tag Archives: Animal

ALS Fish Bucket Challenge

Environmental Benefits Of A Plant-Based Diet

If you enjoyed watching the documentary “Cowspiracy” or if you’re looking forward to seeing it, this talk given by, Home Le’amohala, is a great companion piece covering similar topics.  It’s informative, enlightening, and so important on so many levels.


Cowspiracy Poster

I recently asked myself “what is THE go to documentary regarding the environment?” and I didn’t have an answer.

If animal welfare is a motivating factor in your life, I would strongly suggest watching the film “Earthlings”.  If your health, or the health of your loved ones is your priority, “Forks Over Knives” would be my recommendation.

But what about the environment specifically?  Well, someone must have heard me ask the question, because shortly there after (the next day) the answer landed in my lap (laptop actually).  After watching it, there was no doubt in my mind, this was THE documentary I was looking for.

So, if living green is your goal, helping to revive our depleted oceans, putting an end to deforestation, stopping the extinction of countless species, or just shrinking your carbon footprint, the documentary that opened my eyes wider than ever before is “Cowspiracy”.  It gets my highest rating and I recommend it to everyone.



DDT In Umbilical Cord Blood

Sign The Petition — Stop Animal Abuse

Largest Study Ever (Pancreatic Cancer)

Steven Best: Vegan

Never Be Afraid To Do What’s Right

“…None Has Affected Me As Profoundly…”

It’s As Easy As A-B-C (Animal Birth Control)