Ha! Tea 'n' Danger

Loving, caring, sharing, kindness, compassion, empathy, respect, equality, freedom, peace, critical thinking, logic, reason, understanding, science…

Not Virtual Reality… Actual Reality

3 responses to “Not Virtual Reality… Actual Reality

  1. remgilm May 12, 2012 at 6:46 am

    The kids now days don’t know how to play. Mom and dad are to lazy to take the time to teach them. It is easier to but them down in front of a TV or computer then to play with them or read to them.

    Without a doubt, there is a ton of enabling going on. Parents can’t buy their kids tons of indoor crap: TVs, computers, video games, DVDs, etc and then complain that the kids are fat, lazy and never want to play outside. You get out what you put in. The same goes for society as a whole. 😉

    Peter Parkour

  2. cfslave May 12, 2012 at 9:39 am

    I feel badly for today’s children whose time to learn from parents has been traded for time to accumulate the things that make up the illusory “better life”.

    Sad but true. Well said, cfslave. Material possessions do not equal a better life. In the bigger picture they actually contribute to a worse life for everyone.

    Peter Parkour

  3. adimauro May 13, 2012 at 2:18 pm

    So, in other words…think outside the (game) box! I agree…

    Exactly! 😉

    Peter Parkour

What say you?