Ha! Tea 'n' Danger

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Dr. Ellsworth Wareham: Vegan

2 responses to “Dr. Ellsworth Wareham: Vegan

  1. Violet's Veg*n e-comics April 15, 2013 at 4:40 pm

    This guy is awesome! 🙂

    Agreed! 😀 Thanks for stopping in, Violet, and for taking the time to leave a comment.

    Peter Parkour

  2. Walt Willloughby September 30, 2013 at 10:08 am

    Love this guy. He gives me hope and motivation. here is why. A little over two years ago I had a CAD screening done and the score came back at 1180, meaning I had a very high percentage of having a coronary event. So the testing began. I discovered, quite by accident Dr. Carl Esselstyn and bought his book, “Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease”. I, not wanting to have surgery or a heart event, started on a plant centered diet with no oils, nuts or advocados. I have been on this wonderful diet now for over two years. My lipids are as follows, Totoal cholesterol 88, Truglycerides 110, LDL 25 and HDL 41. After the initial coronary angiogram over two years agoi which showed signigicant blockage in my Right Coronary Artery > 65%, and very little elsewhere. I have had several follows ups and the bloackages are in fact reducing significantly to the point where the doctors no longer consider me a walking time bomb waiting on a heart event to happen. I will never leave the plant centered, or vegan if you will, diet (no animal products, no oils). However, my lipid score was even lower than mentioned 7 months ago and I was able to add a handful of nuts, oil free Hummus and about 1/4 of an advocato occassionally as a condiment. Thanks for adding this video.

    Great testimonial, WW. Thank you for stopping in and sharing with us. 🙂

    Peter Parkour

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